.Twice a month dare to open my letters in a public space.
.A bullshit-free exhibition of my fucked-up sex stories, late Bourbon existential dreads, & cute brain-farts.
.Curated, thought-provoking and dopamine-friendly erotic art.
.Braggable psychological studies to pump your bed life.
.Ears-squirting beats gems.
.Cynical memes.
.Cheeky puns.
And the latest updates about my hush-hush conceptual orgies.
Clara, founder of That’s fucking art.
.« Probably a good idea. » whispers your inner Virginie Despentes.
.Great success. Great success.Great success. Great success. Great success. Great success. Great success. Great success. Great success. Great success. Great success. Great success. Great success. Great success. Great success. Great success. Great success. Great success
.Great success. Great success. Great success. Great success. Great success. Great success. Great success. Great success. Great success.
I won’t ever sell your data or spam you. Some things shouldn’t be played with.